New York Times Op-Ed on the state of democracy in Germany

In his recent op-ed for the NYTimes "Is Angela Merkel Done For?" Alex lays out the state of the coalition talks in Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel has not yet managed to form a new government after the election in late September 2017. As she blew up the coalition talks with the Liberals and the Greens in late November, she was only repeating her mistakes from the last election 2013 where she was incapable of forming a government with the Greens. Now she trying to take refugee, again, in a so-called Grand Coalition. The voters are not enthusiastic about this. Therefore, Alex argues, Merkel's tenure is over and she should step aside sooner rather  than later in order to give her party the opportunity to get itself sorted and ready for the future.

The NYTimes Homepage, displaying Alex' article

The NYTimes Homepage, displaying Alex' article